Here you can find all the guides and manuals you need.


In the SERUMONY manual you will find everything you need to set up your SERUMONY dispenser. The manual is included with your dispenser, but you can always download it again.

Download User Guide

SERUMONY floor stand guide

In the SERUMONY floor stand guide you will find everything you need to assemble your SERUMONY floor stand and put your SERUMONY dispenser on. The instructions are included with your floor stand, but you can always download it again.

Download Floor Stand guide

SERUMONY Wall Mount guide

In the SERUMONY Wall Mount guide you will find everything you need to assemble your SERUMONY Wall Mount and put your SERUMONY dispenser on. The instructions are included with your Wall Mount, but you can always download it again.

Download Wall Mount guide

New sanitary habits start with SERUMONY!